Staggering architecture, rich cultural history, a turbulent past and exciting future – Prague is as fascinating a city as it is beautiful. Spend your summer exploring the rich cultural and social heritage of Prague, the Czech Republic, and Central Europe through the exploration of its art and architectural roots, local societies, and dynamic history.
Study abroad in Prague and you’ll have access to coursework, cultural excursions, activities and flat buddies that give you the opportunity to make the city your own.
In Prague you will:
Spend your summer in one of Europe’s most exciting cities and learn about a variety of Central European issues and Czech perspectives
Participate in experiential activities linked with coursework
Explore the city and study in one or two three-week sessions
Live with local students in an apartment in one of Prague’s authentic neighborhoods; get help acclimating to the city through CIEE Flat Buddies—local Charles University or FAMU students; partake in cultural activities and day/weekend excursions that augment class material
The CIEE Difference
Intercultural Comparative Experience
Travel with friends to a new city to explore history, art, architecture, culture, and social challenges. Part of every short-term program, our three-day Intercultural Comparative Experiences are an ideal way to highlight cultural differences and sharpen critical thinking skills.
Expand your global perspective. Choose to spend your intercultural weekend in one of these European cities:
Barcelona, Spain
Berlin, Germany
London, England
Paris, France
In addition to a Survival Czech language course, you can choose from a variety of classes on Czech culture and society including History, Communications, Cinema and Art. You also have the option of taking courses in acting and performance at the prestigious, Theater School of the Academy of Performing Arts (DAMU).
Cultural Activities and Field Trips
Each session includes one weekend excursion, within the Czech Republic, which provides an opportunity to visit exceptionally interesting and educationally valuable sites. Moreover, class excursions, linked to academic themes, are organized as well. Cultural activities are organized with the aid of CIEE Flat Buddies. CIEE Buddies, local Charles University students are an integral part of student life. These buddies share day-to-day issues, help CIEE study abroad students to better understand local cultural norms, and assist students with immersion into the Czech culture and Charles University student life. There is never a boring moment thanks to extracurricular student activities which are organized by buddies throughout summer sessions.
Course contact hours are 45 hours and recommended credit is 3-4 semester/4.5-6 quarter hours per session, unless otherwise indicated.
Program Requirements
The study abroad program is offered in two, three-week sessions. Students may participate in one or both sessions. Students choose one of the courses offered in each session. A minimum number of students is required in order to offer a course, and therefore students are advised to seek pre-approval for more than one course option from their home school advisor prior to the start of the program. In addition, students can enroll in a one-credit, optional “survival” Czech language course.
About Prague
Because of its innumerable characteristic steeples, Prague is called the city of a thousand spires. A member of the EU, Prague is a perfect example of the steady development of a society, recently transitioning from its communist past. With a population of only 1,200,000, Prague has an unusually rich cultural life, including festivals, operas, concerts, and cultural programs, many of which are accessible to students on a budget. CIEE students experience life similar to that of Czech students and make use of the city’s numerous neighborhoods just like native Praguers.
Where You’ll Study
CIEE works closely with Charles University, the oldest university in Central Europe, to deliver courses to students at the CIEE Study Center in Prague. All CIEE courses are held at the CIEE Study Center, located at the historical site of Vyšehrad. Although the CIEE Study Center is not located in a Charles University building, CIEE courses are recognized by Charles University and taught by faculty from various Charles University faculties and institutes. Participants of DAMU theater courses will be take their classes at DAMU facilities.
Housing & Meals
Housing is included in the study abroad program fee. Each CIEE apartment houses three CIEE students as well as one local student (CIEE Flat Buddy). Apartments consist of two bedrooms with shared areas: fully-equipped kitchen and bathroom. Please note that meals and Internet fees are not included. CIEE apartments are located in various neighborhoods with a maximum of a 35 minute commute from CIEE.
Academic Program
This program exposes students to the rich cultural, historical, and social heritage of Prague through the exploration of its art, film, architectural roots, society, and dynamic history. This journey gives students a unique opportunity to witness the force of a society that embraces its transition from a communist past to the ever-changing political and social present, along with the opportunity to learn about Prague’s development. Students choose to enroll in either one or two three-week summer sessions.
Academic Culture
There are significant differences between the U.S. educational system and the Czech system. This new academic environment is part of the challenge of studying with Charles University professors and learning about the Czech Republic. Students must be aware that a high degree of self-motivation and self-discipline is required and that independent learning and active participation in class are necessary for achieving satisfactory academic performance. Resources such as library holdings in English and Internet access may be limited, and students may need to seek these resources outside of the CIEE Study Center in public libraries and other Charles University faculties.
Classes are focused on the Central European region, especially Prague and the Czech Republic. Professors use both the classroom as well as the city as a direct resource for their teaching. Lectures are supplemented with class excursions and guest lectures related to class topics. Students should be prepared to spend two-thirds of each weekday in class or in class-related activities.